Carbon Materials
Carbon materials are shaping the future of energy storage and medicine. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene are two of the most popular carbon nanomaterials, but new materials and applications are emerging daily.
Carbon Material Application Notes
Raman spectroscopy is useful in determining the structure of carbon materials. The selected application notes below demonstrate Raman's capability for both research and quality control applications.
Characterization of Carbon Materials with Raman Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a valuable tool for characterizing carbon nanomaterials due to its selectivity, speed, and ability to measure samples nondestructively. Carbon materials typically exhibit simple Raman spectra but these spectra contain information about internal microcrystalline structures in peak position, shape, and relative intensity.
Low Frequency Raman Spectroscopy
The B&W Tek i-Raman Plus equipped with a BAC102 probe can access lower-frequency modes as low as 65 cm-1, providing a cost-effective solution for applications in protein characterization, polymorph detection and identification, and material phase and structure determination.
Read about low-frequency Raman applications for life science
Revealing Battery Secrets with EC-Raman Solutions
Electrochemical Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool that increases understanding of the working of energy storage devices by monitoring physicochemical changes. This Application Note provides insight into a nickel-metal hydride battery’s charge/discharge cycle.
Combine electrochemistry and Raman to get the most information
What Products Are Best Suited?
Discover-It-Yourself Raman
DIY kits allow you to configure a Raman system for your application needs. Select the best laser, sampling probe and detector for your samples.
DIY RamanRaman Instrument Systems
Metrohm provides a full range of laboratory Raman solutions for research and routine applications. Chose from a variety of systems the maximize throughput or resolution to help you see more of your sample.
Raman Systems