Solar and Battery
Spectroscopy is rooted in understanding the interaction of light with materials making it uniquely applicable to solar and energy storage applications. From the UV to the near-IR, B&W Tek has a range of components to enable your measurements.
Solar & Battery Application Notes
From the absorption of light by solar panels to the reflectance of polymer and plastic coatings spectroscopy applications are growing rapidly in the energy storage market. Combining Raman with other techniques enables the most impactful measurements.
Characterization of Carbon Materials with Raman Spectroscopy
Carbon nanomaterials such as graphene, graphite, and carbon nanotubes each have unique physical and thermal properties that make them essential in industries as varied as battery manufacturing, construction, and sports equipment. Carbon materials typically exhibit simple Raman spectra but contain information about internal microcrystalline structures in peak position, shape, and relative intensity.
Learn more about carbon material testing with Raman spectroscopy
Revealing Battery Secrets with EC-Raman solutions
The development of rechargeable lead-acid batteries and their use in automobiles has prompted research into new battery chemistries with superior properties. As a result, nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium-ion batteries were created with higher energy density and longer lifecycles. Energy storage technology contributes to cleaner and more sustainable societies by increasing access to efficient and renewable power sources.
Probing Material Structure with Low-Frequency Raman
The low-frequency region augments the information content from the fingerprint region of the Raman spectrum and broadens possible molecular applications, such as detection of hydrogen bonds. The result is increased detection sensitivity and differentiation of very similar materials.
Related Products
Solar measurements leverage light sources and component spectrometers from the UV to the near-IR region of the spectrum. Reflectance, absorbance and Raman measurements dominate the solar and battery measurements.
Fully Integrated Systems
Fully integrated Raman systems allow you to get up and running fast. Laboratory systems offer a balance between sensitivity and resolution. Handheld devices enable measurements at any point in the manufacturing process, from incoming materials to final quality control.
Raman SystemsDiscover-It-Yourself UV-Vis
Configure absorbance and reflectance measurements to match your exact samples and analysis. Component spectrometers and light sources form the foundation of the system. Calibrate your spectrometer for absolute measurements in our software.
DIY UV-VISDiscover-It-Yourself Raman
Raman applications in the battery market continue to grow. Our Discover-It-Yourself systems allow you to select the most appropriate laser and detector combination. Easily integrate Raman with electrochemistry from a DIY Raman system.
DIY Raman