Every year over 400 million metric tons of plastic are produced globally for use in many applications, including construction, home appliances, medical instruments, and food packaging. Spectroscopy characterizes many important parameters associated with polymers and plastics production.
Polymer Application Notes
UV-Visible spectroscopy and reflectance measurements are incredibly useful for color measurements and quality control of physical appearance. Near-IR spectroscopy can help determine the composition of materials for recycling applications. Raman spectroscopy is useful for characterization of polymers and plastics.
Identifying Polymers with Raman Spectroscopy
This video application note details the use of Raman spectroscopy for polymer identification. Regardless of the color, many different types of plastics can be identified with Raman spectroscopy.
The Study of Polymorphs and Monitoring Polymorphic Transitions
Critical in both polymers for consumer use and pharmaceuticals, polymorphs and their transitions can be easily analyzed by Raman spectroscopy.
Learn more about Raman analysis to probe physical transitions
Identification of Microplastics with Raman Microscopy
Laboratory Raman spectroscopy is an alternative to confocal Raman and FTIR microscopes for quickly identifying polymer materials. This Application Note explores using portable Raman microscopy to identify microplastics recovered from surface estuary waters.
See laboratory Raman identify microplastics for a fraction of the cost of microscope systems
Related Products
Build a customized UV-Vis or NIR system for polymer analysis using our Discover-It-Yourself systems or chose a laboratory or handheld Raman spectrometer to advance your polymer work.
Fully Integrated Systems
See our complete Raman systems, including software and sampling for polymer analysis. Chose the right laser wavelength and start analyzing samples quickly with these easy-to-use systems.
Raman SystemsBuild Your Own Solution
Our Discover-It-Yourself Raman systems are ideal for both laboratory and process applications. Watch polymerization reactions in real time or test the composition of samples off-line in the laboratory. Select from pre-configured kits or customize your own.
DIY Raman