Quantitative Raman
The intensity of the Raman signal changes with the amount of material present. This means Raman spectroscopy can be used as a quantitative technique. SERS can be used to enhance detection limits and measure materials in low concentrations.
Quantitative Raman Applications
Learn more about our experience with Quantitative Raman.
Spectral Preprocessing for Raman Quantitative Analysis
Spectral preprocessing algorithms are routinely applied to quantitative spectroscopic data to enhance spectral features while minimizing variability unrelated to the analyte. This technical note discusses the main preprocessing options pertinent to Raman spectroscopy with real application examples.
Learn more about the impact of pre-processing on quantitative measurements
Quantification of Methanol in Contaminated Spirits
Because of its selectivity, Raman can distinguish between molecules that are very similar. In this application note, a Discover-It-Yourself Raman configuration is used to measure the concentration of methanol in rum.
Read the application note
Quantification of Urea in Ethanol by Raman Spectroscopy
From agriculture to helping separate complex mixtures, urea is used in various applications. This application note presents a simple method for quantification of urea in ethanolic solutions by Raman spectroscopy.
Read the application note
Raman Instrumentation for SERS Applications
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy or SERS can be used to significantly enhance the Raman signal. This enhancement often allows quantification down to part per billion or part per trillion levels. This application note details the basics of SERS so you can apply it to your sample.
Read the application note
Find Related Products
Browse the product below to find the right components for a quantitative Raman system. Use a Discover-It-Yourself solution to get up and running fast or search individual spectrometer modules and lasers.
Raman Spectrometer Modules
Designed specifically for Raman spectroscopy, these spectrometers offer the highest performance for the most sensitive measurements.
Raman ModulesRaman Systems
Full instrument solutions are another way to get the highest quality Raman data. Laboratory Raman systems are a great place to start for quantitative Raman and SERS measurements.
Raman Systems