Modular Spectrometers
Compact tools for all light measuring needs. UV through NIR sensitivity for absorption, transmission, and reflectance spectroscopy and low light applications such as absorbance/transmittance, fluorescence, and Raman. Choose from one of our high-performance models based on your project.

The Quest™ line features or smallest, lightest and lowest priced USB spectrometers. Ready for any measurement in the UV and Visible range, the Quest spectrometers are your starting point for applications like laser metrology, absorption and fluorescence.
Explore Quest™
The Glacier™ adds the advantage of detector cooling. These spectrometer engines are temperature stabilized using a Thermoelectric Cooler. Choose Glacier™ over Quest™ for the benefit of improved light collection, stable noise, and higher dynamic range for longer integration times.
Explore Glacier™
The Exemplar™ series represents our highest performance UV-NIR series spectrometers with back thinned CCD technology and deeper TE Cooling to reduce dark noise. These models are cooled from 0°C to -25°C, and come in various sizes, and optical geometries. Low stray light and high QE (quantum efficiency) make them a Pro for performance and price.
Explore Exemplar™NIR

The Sol™ is our shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectrometer series for absorption, transmission, reflectance and Raman applications. Contrary to the silicon-based CCD integrated in our other UV-NIR models, the Sol™ series utilizes an InGaAs based linear array for detection. With three different configurations in the NIR, they are perfect for your for your next measurement quest.
Explore Sol™
Sol™ HT
The Sol™ HT is our latest shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectrometer series for absorption, transmission, reflectance and Raman applications. Updated with an improved optical path, these spectroscopy engines have higher throughput capabilities for maximum signal collection. The Sol™ HT series also utilizes an improved InGaAs based linear array for detection, reducing your noise levels and your effective Signal to Noise Ratio. Upgrade your NIR capabilities with the Sol™ HT.
Explore Sol™ HTRaman

Modular Spectrometers for Raman
This is our spectrometers optimized for Raman Spectroscopy. These Raman engines are the backbone to our Laboratory Raman products. Choose from multiple tiers of performance and configurations covering 532nm, 785nm or 1064nm laser excitation. Upgrade your current setup or build something new with these engines supporting you.
Raman Modular Spectrometers