Raman spectroscopy takes a molecular fingerprint and matches it against a library to identify and confirm samples. Raman fingerprints have very fine structural detail that make identification accurate and reliable. Raman can also provide information about the amount of material present in a sample or a mixture.
Assembling a Raman System
Raman systems consist of
- A laser to excite Raman emission
- A fiber optic Raman Probe to collect the Raman emission from the sample
- A spectrometer to collect the Raman spectrum.
The choice of fiber optic probe for sampling is critical, given that it has to allow the laser light to reach the sample but then exclude it from the detectors. High-performance B&W Tek components move light efficiently, providing high sensitivity.
Application Resources
Learn more about our products in real world scenarios.
The Fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy
Start with the basics. Read our feature article from Laser Focus World to lear more about the fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy.
Choosing The Most Suitable Laser Wavelength
When choosing a Raman instrument, one of the primary concerns is the wavelength of the laser integrated into the Raman spectrometer system. Different excitation wavelengths provide specific strengths and weaknesses, allowing users to optimize the measurement of different samples by choosing the Raman excitation laser wavelength.
The Advantages of a Compact, Thermoelectrically-Cooled Fiber Optic Spectrometers
The benefits of a TE-cooled spectrometer in Raman systems are discussed, such as delivering lower system noise over longer integration times, resulting in lower detection limits.
Raman Solutions

Raman Spectrometers are the foundation that B&W Tek was built on. A wide variety of detectors are available depending on your current project.
Raman Modular Spectrometers
DIY Systems from B&W Tek allow you to build exactly what you need to complete your project. We also have pre-configured systems available for purchase; just get in touch with us for a quote.
DIY Raman
Lasers from IPS
Lasers from our sister company, Innovative Photonic Solutions, are the driving force behind our DIY systems. Contact a B&W Tek representative to learn more today.
Laser Diodes